Junior Scribe

Joined: 16 Nov 2002
Posts: 88
Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2002 12:45 am Post subject: 3 prime numbers in one week!?!
cut from the seventeen or bust front page...
12/06: k=44131 3RD PRIME FOUND!!!
At 1005 GMT on Thursday, 05 December 2002, a third probable prime was reported to our server! We have confirmed that 44131*2^995972+1 is prime!! This is unbelievable. The test has actually been assigned since mid-day Moday but was not immediately finished because the user's computer wasn't running tests 24/7. So if you've been thinking that you can't find a prime without multiple computers that are always on, this just goes to show you obviously can. We haven't heard back from the lucky user yet. So check your email, it could be you!
44131 was the densest k-value being tested, therefore eliminating it removed the most tests possible. The prime discovered is similar in size to the last two with 299,823 digits, making it the 23rd largest known prime. A press release will be forthcoming. The decimal expansion is done though.
In other important news, the server will be undergoing serious software upgrades this Sunday. Due to the increased public interest in the project, it has become necessary to rewrite the stats and SB server from scratch to be more efficient. The new stats engine is going to floor you. It's that sweet. 
So new stats/website/server coming AND we just found a new prime! 3 down, 14 to go. Keep up the good work everyone!
...keep those machines running, lets be the first team to find 2 primes.