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SampleStudio Finally Released, as Basic Beta.
1 June 2002, 13:18gmt, by , Senior Journalist
From the playing-with-sound department...

The long awaited release of SampleStudio by Frans van Nispen has finally happened in the form of a Basic Beta, and is avaiable here on BeBits.

You may remember that Frans has been hard at work on SampleStudio for some time, and is one of the main developers for Inferno, a sweet image editing progream for BeOS.

Visit his website, or check out the downloads page for more information.

Interview with Dane Scott.
28 May 2002, 12:48gmt, by , Senior Journalist
From the handing-out-rocks department...

The BeOS Journal recently had time to speak with Dane Scott about his thoughts on TuneTracker, openBeOS, and more...


New VideoLAN Client Released.
25 May, 2002, 14:08gmt, by , Senior Journalist
From the don't-stop department...

The videolan crew don't stop... They've managed to release yet another version for both BONE and non-BONE systems, with quite a number of features to boot!

Here's an excerpt from their changelog.

  • MPEG-4/DivX/OpenDivX support via the ffmpeg and mad libraries ;
  • Fixes for most known crash and freeze causes ;
  • .mp3 files support ;
  • A usable Mac OS X interface (no need for command-line any more) ;
  • IPv6 and HTTP support for Win32 systems ;
  • VCD support under FreeBSD ;
  • Internationalized interface [wanted! we need more translators].

Audio Driver Testing Needed
23 May, 2002, 10:45gmt, by , Senior Journalist
From the test-this department...

Marcus Overhagen over at openBeOS has recently requested help from the BeOS Community in testing his latest set of AC97 audio drivers. He has compiled a fairly lengthy list already, but if you can help him out, feel free to .

Updates, Editors, Changes, oh my!
12 May, 2002, 20:51gmt, by , Senior Journalist
From the mad-props department...

Boy! You move to another country, and the next thing you know, there's changes afoot on other websites! Hehehe. The openBeOS group has been very active lately with firstly, an alpha milestone marker for the networking group, and secondly the new proto6 app_server work. Good work!

BeForever. I'd like to personally congratulate Ted Leeuwesteijn with his recent appointment as the new editor over at BeForever. He's one of the most dedicated BeOS Users I've met ever, and I'm quite sure he will be able to keep up the fine work with BeForever.

Team BeOS. Good things are happening on the Team BeOS front with the latest ECC challenge. We're (as of May 12, 2002) in 35th position, and steadily climbing.

BeFAQS. Tori, what is happening? Please get in touch with me asap. We'll see what we can do to help you out. It'd be a real shame to see such a fine, and established site go down just because of monetary reasons. Please, if you can get in touch with me via my yahoo account, do so. I am not able to (latlely) use BeShare these days. (That will change soon, I hope.)

Pixel32. Wow. The new screenshot look amazing. Take your time. I'm sure even though we'd all love to see it next week, it is better to do it right. Take your time. We can wait. There are many other active things to keep us all busy... ;-)

TBJ. I'm currently implementing a multi-user authoring system so that anyone appointed as an editor can post stories, and more, so stay tuned. If you have a suggestion, drop me a line.

2002. This year seems to be picking up more positive energy each month. We've seen a lot of progress with openBeOS, and various apps, and other needed projects. Let's take a collective moment to take a deep breath, and relax, as we all forge ahead. We're doing good.

You. I want to personally thank everyone in the BeOS Community for your continued support of both this site, and related sites. Your kind words has helped us through many long, hard nites as we've commited ourselves to updates, work, research, and more. Thank you, on behalf of all the various BeOS sites. It really means a lot.

Still Alive
02 May, 2002, 13:25gmt, by , Senior Journalist
From the slowdown department...

Just wanted to let our loyal readers know that TBJ is here, but at the moment I am seeking a more stable form of employment. (you know the story... ;) I will be working (slowly) on TBJ when I can. All I can say is, stay tuned, and thanks.

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