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Joined: 02 Jun 2002
Posts: 137
Location: The Netherlands
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 9:03 am1 Post subject: Spanish BeOS Edition Born.
Edición del revelador de BeOS ahora en español. Si usted puede leer esto, usted sabrá que la gente fina de trabajado en un editon español de nuestro sistema operativo querido.
If you can read that, then your Spanish is good, because mine is not! Seriously though... the fine folks at ( have created a Spanish version of the BeOS Developers Edition, and are quite excited to share this news with the world.
Here are a few words from Double 'S', who wrote in recently to tell me this great news:
The edition has been created by the BeOS Aires Team ( but is to be downloaded from, where they will find instructions and limitations regarding our FTP server. Please do not add direct links to our ftp server, since users with download managers drain our server.
The release is a BeOS Developer Edition 1.0 ( with some apps updated, some extra apps that can be found in Spanish, Tracker & Deskbar in Spanish, Spanish User manuals and developing / programming manuals, and with all possible apps default to spanish language. The release notes are included in the distro.
Well, please tell the world BeOS is ALIVE (TM), NOW IN SPANISH !! Besides, these two last months 2 new BeOS WEBS in Spanish have born, and we also have a Spanish Speaking BeOS WEB related to BeOS Programming (
Thanks in advance Chris,
Double 'S'
We at The BeOSJournal think this is splendid news, as not only does this create new user communities, but it helps lift the spirits of everyone involved in the mostly english speaking BeOS Community. (Correct us if we are wrong on the language perception.
Here's a toast to everyone involved in this project! Adios amigos!
-Chris Simmons,
Avid BeOS User.
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