Zeta Shows BeBOCHS Progress. (FreeCIV/CnC fans rejoice.)
19 December 2002, 20:26gmt, by , Senior Journalist From the i-screen-u-screen department...
With all the flurry lately about Zeta, we thought it would be nice to show the public some screenshots we managed to obtain from Bernd Korz directly.
Fans of Civilizaton and Command & Conquer will be glad to hear (and see) that all major problems with both games have been solved, including pesky font issues. Bernd has been busy lately making stellar changes to BeBOCHS, and chief among them was integration of system fonts into BeBOCHS.
Click on each image below to view it in more detail. If this page starts to get slow, please and we'll consider putting up a mirror.
Stay tuned for more exciting news about Zeta in the days ahead.
FreeCiv - Login screen.
FreeCiv - Choose your nation.
FreeCiv - Before fonts were fixed.
FreeCnC - Men, move out!
FreeCnC - No match for my tanks!
FreeCnC - Ready, aim... .
FreeCnC - Obliterated.