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The BeOSJournal. Reporting the news of the BeOS Community.
Reporting the news of the BeOS Community

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TBJ Must Haves:
BeShare Mail Daemon Replacement 2
NetPenguin Process Controller
Sample Studio SoundPlay
Spicy Keys The Awesome Resizer!
Video Lan Client wget

BeWicked BeBeautiful
BUG~eNZ Fat Rat
Insane irlBUG
Misza OLO
Shard Team BeOS
Chris "Technix" Simmons
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Download BeOS R5 PE.

Remember 9-11-01.

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Contacting The BeOS Journal

We are always looking for fresh content, and cutting edge news, so if you have news, and want to contribute, please today!.

Staff Members

Senior Journalist.

Chris is the primary developer, site maintainer, and overall man in charge for The BeOSJournal. His primary responsibilities are posting new stories to the front page, conducting interviews, and doing regular site maintenance.

More information can be found here.

Who is the mystery girl? She's a long time friend whom I dated for 4 years quite a while ago. We still keep in touch from time to time, via email, as she still lives in Canada, and I'm in the Netherlands. The wonders of the internet. ;)


Daniel has been a long time contributor and member of the BeOS Community, and we welcome his affluent and easy going style.

His primary responsibilities are posting new stories to the front page, following up on exciting new leads, and handling most of the forum moderation.

Resource & Research Manager.

Frank is a welcome addition to our group. Using his enourmous contact list as the basis for his research, he has contributed in many unique ways to The BeOSJournal, some that are not so public and deal with more "behind the scenes" issues.

His primary responsibilities are posting new stories to the front page, contacting Audio & Video companies, and doing reviews of newly-released software.

Contributing Journalist & Graphics Manager.

Jess is a junior member of TBJ, but learning fast! His primary responsibilities are posting new stories to the front page, conducting research for new stories, and creating gnarly web gfx.

Some day his work will be discovered by a very rich media company *cough* and his financial troubles will be over, but until then, we own his soul. ;)

Contributing Journalist & BeOS Community Liason.

Brent is another new member of TBJ, and his duties include posting new stories, digging up information on leading interviews, and being an all-around nice guy. His insights into the BeOS Community have helped immensely with this website.

He is an experienced, enthusiastic member of the BeOS Community willing to help anyone who needs a hand in all aspects of BeOS, so he is designated as our "Mr. Fixit", and of Chief Liason with the BeOS Community at large. If there is an isue that The BeOSJournal can help with, Brent is the man to deal with.

Contributing Journalist & Developer Relations.

Vitaliy is a respected BeOS developer, and long-time member of the BeOS Community, and has decided to put his unique strengths to good use here at The BeOSJournal. If there is a project or development idea that might interest the rest of the community, please contact Vitaliy about it.

Contributing Journalist.

Eric has a deep programming background, with experience ranging from Delphi (Pascal) to C++. As an avid programmer, he has found time to develop his favorite game, Yathze, on every OS he has used or loved, including BeOS. He is currently married, with a daughter aged 17 months (as at dec 2002), and enjoys promoting and using BeOS wherever possible. TBJ welcomes him into the fold, as an additional resource to call upon for his wide degree of experience.

Contributing Journalist.

Marcin hails from the cold climes of Poland, but that doesn't stop him from being involved in BeOS every which way he can. He attends BeGeistert when he can make the 12 hour trip, and is a regular developer of nifty, and useful applications for BeOS. Find him on BeShare, and he'll end up conversing about C++ or world politics. ;)

Contributing Journalist.

Karina is an aussie from down under who has followed BeOS for years, tinkered with Linux, and is pretty much certifiable when it comes to technical matters. ;-) She's a welcome addition to our crew, providing a breath of fresh air and a straight-forward approach to news gathering. Her special insight into how people deal with technology in general will prove invaluable.

Contributing Journalist.

Lars is an enthusiastic BeOS user who hails from Sweden, but is living in the Philippines, working as an IT Security Consultant. We're glad to have him aboard, able to use his diverse IT experience in submitting worthy material for you to read.

Lars also has a small assortment of dated computer hardware, which he uses to test BeOS to it's limit, and beyond. You'll usually find him on BeShare during the weekdays, as soulbender.

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