Well, what can I say about me? I built this site purely by hand, using just simple tools such as a text editor, telnet, ftp, and of course the assistance of the php community.
I don't believe in using GUI (gooey) tools like DreamWeaver, as they seem to take you away from the fine art of directly manipulating the code to do exactly what you want.
I've been a general it/tech guy since 1994, where I cut my teeth working with a fine group of people in Edmonton, Alberta. (you know who you are. ;)
My main responsibilities these days are the management, and maintainance of this site, and a few other pet projects. This means of course writing good, bulletproof code in the first place, but that's expected.
My personal interests include BeOS, alternatives to the M$ monopoly, science fiction, and cycling when I want to get away from it all...
I moved to Rotterdam, The Netherlands, in the spring of 2002, deciding to travel and expand my world view. It has been a pleasurable experience thus far, and I plan to stay for at least a few years, then I'm moving on to South Africa, where I will be teaching Dutch, English, computers, and building homes for humanity as part of a voluntary service like the VSO.
Simon Gauvin was kind enough to travel an hour during the workday to meet me at the Toronto Airport for a few hours' worth of drink and chat, while I was stopped over during my flight. Click on my picture above to see us trying to act serious. ;) Simon is a great guy whom I've always had the utmost respect for, and it was a pleasure finally meeting him in person.
If there are questions or concerns about the site, or you wish to contact me, please feel free to email me directly using the email above.
Please check out my CV.